This is a post by a former Floh member, Garima. If you are single, there’s always someone in your circle of friends or family who is looking out for you…
4 Things to Remember on a First Date
This is a guest post by Riya T, our in-house relationship expert. For most people, a first date is almost always a source of excitement and nervousness. A lot of…
Sarika Tainwala
Interesting! thanks for sharing the advice - will keep in mind. regards...
7 Reasons Not To Marry An Indian Woman
In a country of 1.2 billion people and with 48.2% of them being women, we know better than to generalise. But, Indian women are absolutely exceptional, and we’ve listed the…
Love is hard. Love is painful. Love is beautiful.
For Valentine’s Day, I was interviewed by Yahoo and was asked about what I thought about love. What is Love? Personally, I think, romantic love is a surrender which you go into…
The Battle of the Wallets
First dates are important. In fact, most often than not, they set the tone for creating successful romantic connections. When doing a first date review with my girl friends, the…
Adwait Nigade
Hi. I follow the same convention...On afirst date it should always be a man who must pay. Its j...
4 Things to Remember on a First Date | Single in the City
[…] The bill. There’s been a LOT of discussion on this topic (See: Battle Of The Wallet...
An #UberFloh Sunday
On a beautiful Sunday morning, a group of attractive, well dressed, and energetic singles gathered in the amphi theatre in UB City, Bangalore for the start of the #UberFloh Challenge….