What’s special about Floh is that it is a very strong and tightly knit community. In an attempt to spotlight those that make up this community, we introduce to you…
Love versus Compatibility. Let’s Talk About It.
We’re kicking off a weekly series hashtagged #WednesdayWoes where we discuss issues that crop up for singles while dating, in relationships or simply in life. This blog has been written…
Single At 30 And Why It Will Stay Like That For A While
30, Flirty & Single I’m see a lot of people in Bangalore in their thirties who are still single. Most of them will probably remain single in their forties. It’s…
The Larger Journey
This is a blog post by Floh member Aprajita. A piece by a fellow Floh member and a dear friend with whom I rekindled my acquaintance through Floh, pushed the…
What A Guy Means When He…
This is a blog post by Floh member Tania Mehra The BIG 3-OH! So I had hit the big 3-Oh! in the clichéd way. I refer here not to the…
Aprajita Virmani
Well.. If Google doesn't ruin it, anxiety does or impulsiveness.. I got no right answer than to...
4 Things I Learned While Everyone Was Getting Married
Don’t need to be ‘ideal’ to find an ‘ideal’ match! This might seem like a no-brainer but new age self help philosophy touts ‘become the right person, before you find…
Ayantika Paul
Wonderful blog. So true! It's really a falsehood to think - 'I'm not complete until I find my l...