There comes a day in every woman’s life when she finally meets Mr. Right. She might not yet know for certain he’s the man of her dreams, but the guy…
Finding Mr. Right – The 5 Skills You Need.
Europe For Cheap – 7 Travel Hacks!
Europe is the classic dream destination, a history education, an epicenter of culture, a palette of landscapes and a slice of the good life. The one thing it’s not, is…
10 Types Of Funny Matrimonial Ads That We’ve All Seen
Turns out that 99.99% percent scores aren’t only required for admissions to top colleges in India. If you look at the matrimonial ads of any newspaper you will see a…
Is it okay to say those three words?
This is a post by Floh member Dhruvi Shah. Surely, you’ve been in “love” some time. And you remember the anxiety, nervous energy, weight of saying the three words, “I…
Floh #FridayFriends: Pushkar Gaikwad
What’s special about Floh is that it is a very strong and tightly knit community. In an attempt to spotlight those that make up this community, we introduce to you…
Floh #FridayFriends: Devanshi Shah
What’s special about Floh is that it is a very strong and tightly knit community. In an attempt to spotlight those that make up this community, we introduce to you…