We’re giving away movie vouchers to SKYFALL (2012) to those who answer this quiz question correctly: Apart from London, name at least 2 cities where the movie SKYFALL was shot?…
SKYFALL Movie Vouchers Quiz For Perfect Singles To Meet
Floh launches in Delhi for singles
The big news is that Floh is launching in Delhi/NCR on October 14th! Ever since we started in Bangalore about a year ago, we’ve been inundated with requests from singles…
Hotel Kampuchea
This is a guest blog post by Floh member, Anurag Chaturvedi. A select group of Floh members will be taking a photography trip to Cambodia later this year. One resorts to…
Why Singles Hail Floh!
This is a guest post by Floh member, Minoy Jose. Sunday, July 1st 2012, 05:45 A.M. The alarm on my phone has started blaring out the corny tune of my choice….
A Walk To Remember With Singles
You might think that getting out of bed early on a Sunday morning with single is not your cup of tea, but, we’re going to prove you wrong. The Bangalore…
So You Think You Can Act As A Single
I’ve recently been on a TV and Movie watching spree. Combine that with the theatre workshop experience I got – thanks to Floh – and you might be able to…