
Why does Floh have more women than men?

One of the most interesting things we’ve experienced at Floh is that women members outnumber their male counterparts. The substantial majority of the members of pretty much every dating/matrimony site in the world are male. So when we noticed that Floh has more women members than men, we were happy, but not totally surprised.

why floh have more women

The key reason is safety. Every single Floh member (male and female) is screened before gaining entry into the network. And we curate our membership the hard, old fashioned way. In the day and age of Siri, we’re still decidedly old school and haven’t outsourced any of the screening duties to a bot or to a call center. The result is a high quality network where members feel very comfortable with each other. And that’s a huge draw for a woman.

A more subtle reason is despite Indian society evolving at light-speed, singles in the city actually don’t have too many options to meet other singles in person and in a safe and comfortable environment. Walk into a bar in any Indian city and you’ll see what I mean. A lot of our women members tell us that Floh is like a breath of fresh air. It’s exactly what they’ve been looking for – a curated set of members meeting in person at highly interactive, exclusive and fun events for singles. Of course, the men at Floh aren’t complaining 🙂

So whether you’re a woman who’s interested in Floh, or a man looking to balance the gender ratio at Floh, click here to request membership. 

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