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What Women Want & What They Don’t

If you’ve ever tried to figure out what women want, you have probably gotten very frustrated. The truth really lies in what women don’t want rather than what they do. 

Here’s a quick article about what women want and what they don’t. Hopefully you get a peek into the monster that exists in a woman’s brain.

What women want:

  1. Must be well-educated or at least hold a degree equivalent to hers
  2. Working and earning enough to feel satisfied, and not necessarily well off
  3. She should find you attractive
  4. World exposure is a big plus. Invest in yourself
  5. A pleasant personality is a great foundation to start with
  6. Women love men who can hold a conversation
  7. Respect her career choices. Stand behind your woman.
  8. She should feel comfortable to introduce you to family and friends

The list will of-course vary with every women holding one point higher than another. The seriousness of the relationship also alters the importance of how many boxes you check off.

What women don’t want:

  1. Don’t disrespect her individuality
  2. Try not to put your career before her needs
  3. She will have a problem if your family doesn’t like her. Make sure she knows that you will always stick up for her.
  4. Make an effort to have a meaningful conversation everyday, and be interested in what she has o say.
  5. The similar exposure to the world will ensure you work better together.

With each relationship women go through their list gets longer.

Women have so many ifs and buts. The truth is that they’re all looking for someone to see them like they have never seen themselves before. They are very scared. To be vulnerable. To reveal themselves. To be themselves. Of getting hurt. So they go into a new relationship being very guarded when they meet someone new, constantly putting them through a test and bailing the instant they fail.

It doesn’t have to be like that though.

What women really want is to love and be loved in return.

And what we really don’t want is to feel or cause negative emotions.
So, let’s raise a toast to knowing the black from white and enjoying all the greys in between. What say?

*This is a post by Floh member Dhruvi Shah.

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