Single in the city

Singles Numbers Game

This is a guest post written by a recent Floh member.

As a single thirty year-old woman living in an urban city in India, you’d think that I’d be surrounded with a lot of questions about my single life.  “Why aren’t you married yet?” When are you going to find someone?” Strangely enough, I’m not surrounded by any of these questions.

I think a huge part of it has to do with my family. My mother, conservative in many ways, seems to think that I will be happiest when I find someone on my own. No questions have been asked; no attempts have been made to make me‘meet someone.’

My social circle in the city also consists mostly of other amazing single women friends. I do have close friends that are married, but none of them live in the same city that I do. So, we don’t really face that in-your-face coupledom that other single people do. I would say that a lot of us are really content with the way things are going and not looking to make a change.

I think there are many groups of people like this in the city: where you’re not facing pressure from home, and have a great group of friends that you can rely on for a social life. Here’s the thing though: the opportunity to meet someone special is drastically reduced by this closed-off life. At this age, we’ve met all eligible single friends of friends that we could meet, and unless we want to get onto the online matrimony bandwagon, our opportunities to meet someone are limited. In a previous blog post, Sidman referenced a New York Times article that talked about why it’s so difficult to make friends over 30. Forget friends, if you’re 30 and single, how are you going to meet your significant other? 

This is why a curated network like Floh works like a godsend for most people in our situation. Where else are you guaranteed to meet at least ten singles of the opposite sex at an interesting event? And, their events are definitely unique. Not the type of thing that you’d do with your friends over the weekend – A murder mystery game, a vintage and classic car rally, a cooking session with the chef of one of the best restaurants in the country! As an attached friend of mine told me recently when I was hesitant about joining Floh “Finding someone is a numbers game. The more people you meet, the more you are bound to find someone you connect with.”

Now, instead of sitting at home and grumbling about a lack of a love life, at least, I’ve taken control of that aspect of my life. When are you going to take the leap?

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