Single in the city

The Great Outdoors Meet Ups for singles

Have you ever thought about why the great outdoors can be so great for singles?

After twenty years of guiding treks and shepherding hundreds of  both the young and the elderly, the fit and the not-so-fit, the green and the seasoned –  the singular breed that captures my interest is the single traveler.’ And, for good reason too.  In my opinion, the nature of outdoor adventure travel ensures the strictest natural selection –  there are not many who get attracted to this sort of travel so your chances of meeting someone fun are rather high.  So, if you are the sort to walk trails, or go white-water rafting,  chances are you may be headed in the right direction with a group of singles.

On every journey, the air comes alive with the weightlessness of not needing to conform to the city mask, to not be burdened by stereotypes and the easy familiarity of being amongst a kind. This very energy has an interesting dimension, and the universe begins to work in favour of this motley crew.  They forget packing city airs, stop dropping names,  forget air kissing and get on with the business of being themselves, their true selves.  The outdoors is the perfect way to anyone to find themselves. And, for a single person there’s a bonus – you have a great chance to finding the most interesting singles who share a passion for travel and adventure.  

This is a guest post by Vaibhav Kala, the founder of Aquaterra Adventures and India’s first ‘activotel’, Atali Ganga.  He has been guiding outdoors adventure trips for over 2 decades, including in the Himalayas and overseas. Find out more at and

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