Single in the city

How can singles bypass the Floh waitlist!

So in the couple of months that we’ve been in business, we’ve grown really fast and now we’ve got a waitlist of a month! However, a little bird tells me that there’s a way to bypass this annoying waitlist. Simply get an existing Floh member to introduce you to Floh and your name pops right to the top of the list and we’ll call you right away! So get to and see which of your friends are Floh members and pester them until they invite you to join Floh 🙂

Reserve an exclusive 60 minutes coaching session on dating and relationships with the Founder, Simran Mangharam. Get practical guidance to solve the dating and relationship challenges you face. The session will include a step by step approach to give you an action plan to overcome these challenges. All sessions are strictly confidential.

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