Single in the city

Humans at Floh

Move over Monday blues, Floh is here with #MondayMotivation.

We might be ‘getting with the times’ and sending emojis as replies on texts, but it’s always heartwarming to receive a letter written with love, even if it’s electronic.

As we always say, Floh is what it is thanks to the humans who make up this community. One of our members (who wishes to remain anonymous) sent us this email. While it made our day, we’re sure it will give you confidence to get over a different kind of blues and log on to to activate your membership!

Dear Sid & Sim,

Yesterday was the first time I was at a Floh event. I do believe these are early days with Floh. But after the last evening, I believe I would finally be able to put the fight with myself to rest and just relax!

It has been quite a while since I have had the courage to express myself. Perhaps, what confused me all the time was – ‘why are things going wayward even after making all the efforts to put things in the right perspective’?

I have always believed that I am a good person. And none of the portals, apps etc allowed me to showcase that. With Floh, I finally find women smiling back at me… I finally find some acceptance, that good feeling, appreciation and some incentive for being a good person. That has put a lot of courage back in me and I now look forward to moving ahead in life.

So thank you guys for bringing back HOPE in me & giving me the confidence back to approach a woman sometime in near future. Would love to hear back from you guys sometime.

Kind regards.

Events at Floh are exclusive to members. If you want to know more, log on to our website or check us out on Facebook and Instagram

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