Single in the city

Is it difficult being ‘Single In The City’?

This is a blog post by Floh member, Soumya. Learn more at (a network that connects singles in real life)

That is a difficult question to answer. Maybe I can answer this question with the most commonly used term in our MBA class ‘It Depends”.

It really depends. Some days you wish you were not single just so that you can finally have your mom off your back. She is after all upset since you refused yet another proposal she got for you. Who am I kidding? She will definitely find something else once I am married.Other days you have your friends trying to hook you up with the only bachelor in the group. I know you guys are doing this, keeping our best intentions in mind. But you do realize that we are grown adults and if we wanted to hook up, we would have done that long back. We really did not need your permission to hook up. Then the never ending advice about how you should settle soon. I kind of find this ironic since one of the friends who gives me this advice has huge fights with his wife in front of the whole world regularly.

It is funny how much society attributes happiness to being married. Is being married and having kids the only way you can be happy? That definition definitely does not make sense to me. I am happy these days. I finally left a demanding job after 9 years. I am studying at one of the premier institutes in the country. I am finally going on a dream Euro trip for 5 weeks and once I am back, I am joining the family’s entrepreneurial journey. I believe that you can be happy if you want to be and that being married definitely does not ensure that you are happy all the time. I don’t think for being happy, you need someone to complete you. This word irritates me to the core. I would rather be single than marrying someone for the wrong reasons.

Does that mean that I am against the institution of marriage? No, definitely not. I am someone who grew up watching one of the world’s best couples – my parents. 35 years of marriage and they still have eyes only for each other. Don’t they fight, you may ask me? Obviously they do, but the way both of them complement each other… I think that is something to hope for. I am someone who believes in destiny, however clichéd that may sound.

I have long grown past the age of hoping that my Prince Charming will come on a white horse and sweep me off my feet. All I am looking for these days is someone who understands me and is capable of having good conversations. However dating in India comes with its own set of difficulties. After meeting too many creepy guys on apps like Tinder and Truly Madly (go on a date night with your wife, dude), Floh came as a welcome respite a few months ago.

You are finally able to meet people who are not looking for a traditional, fair and slim woman. And if your date does not work out, people here are mature enough to move on, rather than being clingy like my ex. Guys here are able to understand that you are an independent woman and that if she managed to defy society till now, she can continue to do so in the future. I find that refreshing. There may be a few jerks here too but the odds are definitely less.

I am fairly new to Floh and I always had a lot of fun during the events that I have attended. I know that I may not find a life partner through Floh but I still wanted to thank the team from the bottom of the heart. Why? For making it less difficult on being ‘Single in the City’.

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