Single in the city

Floh – It Works For Singles

This is a post by Sidman (@mangharam)

Just in the last few weeks, we’ve learnt that at least a dozen singles who met through Floh have either gotten married or are engaged. We’re simply delighted to hear this! It really gives us a great deal of fulfilment to know that Floh has played a pivotal role in helping singles meet their partners through our platform. When we meet members’ parents (often at the couple’s wedding reception!), they tell us that they are delighted that Floh exists. To see the happiness that they radiate is a priceless feeling.

Our members frequently tell us that the best thing about Floh is the people that they meet in the network. 

The fact that many of them end up in serious relationships with each other bears testimony to the fact that they are able to connect with each other in a meaningful way. Our platform is designed to maximize the interaction between our members in a fun and safe way. No awkward moments – just a really friendly set of folks to connect with either online or at spectacularly fun events.

The fact is that we’ve been able to catalyse serendipity. Companionship is a basic human condition and anyone playing a positive role in connecting people towards becoming companions is sure to earn them karma points. This is what we live for. This is what Floh is all about.

Reserve an exclusive 60 minutes coaching session on dating and relationships with the Founder, Simran Mangharam. Get practical guidance to solve the dating and relationship challenges you face. The session will include a step by step approach to give you an action plan to overcome these challenges. All sessions are strictly confidential.

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