Single in the city

What Floh Means To Singles

What is FLOH?

Floh is a great platform for meeting like-minded single people. As it says on the site, it was born out of a conversation with single people wondering where all the other single people were. Having been a member of Floh for a year now, and having attended a number of their events, I thought I’d share my story to mark the anniversary.

I heard about Floh from a close friend a long time ago. When I first heard of it, it sounded ominously like something my parents would log on to in hopes of finding a suitable groom for their daughter. Needless to say, I summarily rejected my friend’s proposal to “check it out”.

The Adventure Awaits

Such is the way things pan out, however, that you have to be ready for an adventure before it finds you. I wasn’t ready then; the push came soon enough, however. Two years is a long time to be away from a city like Bombay. Things move at warp speed around here and while some elements remain unchanged, others change drastically – like my social circle, for example. It was time to up my ante, meet new people, expand, explore. I was also beginning to feel ready for a relationship. Again, Floh came up highly recommended in a casual conversation with another friend. So, armed with two solid recommendations, coupled with the fact that I wanted to meet new people, I finally “checked out” the site. What I saw was definitely a breath of minty fresh air.

What FLOH is NOT

I could go on about what Floh IS but there’s a lot of stuff out there about that already. I’d rather focus on what it’s NOT:

Not your average dating site

Floh is NOT just a dating site. It is a great platform, as I soon found out, to meet new, intelligent, like-minded people. It doesn’t have to be about finding that guy/girl, it can serve as a great way to make new friends or expand your social circle.

Taking interest based to the next level

Floh is NOT a passive website. It organises a series of events catering to a wide variety of interests so whether you like Travel, Barbeque, Board Games or a Murder Mystery, there’s something for everyone and you can be sure to meet great new people to discuss a book with, make new friends to do fun things you mutually like, maybe find someone special and at the same time, learn something new. Too good to be true already? There’s more.

Screened & Approved

Floh is NOT an open website. The members are closely screened and thoroughly interviewed (I remember mine!) before they’re granted access and not everyone does. So, you can rest assured that once you’re in, you’ll be free of the “Wil u fraanship wit mee” kinds of requests we’ve all learned to roll our eyes at. For me, personally, that in itself was a blessing beyond anything I can articulate.

If you like it, put a bookmark on it

Floh does NOT have a friend request page, but it does allow you to anonymously bookmark people you find interesting so that you can know if they’re attending the same event you are.

No rule breakers!

Floh does NOT tolerate violations of any sort. If you find a member interesting but don’t want to share your contact details, you can ask them out for coffee through the website without exchanging phone numbers with a bid to meet at a pre-arranged place. Even though all members are carefully screened, in an unlikely case of any incident, the founders
are always approachable.

Since I’ve joined Floh, I’ve made some great new friends, met some very interesting people, learned a lot, and I’m definitely glad I joined.

If you liked this post, you might like ‘Finding A Partner Made Easy’.

Join FLOH here :

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